Адреса: m. Lviv, vul. Horodotska, 225
Телефон: +38(032) 2329929 , +38(032) 2534245

Travel «PRIMAVERA LUX» specializes in high-quality vacation at the best resorts in the world. We offer only the best hotels, ongoing support for recreation, personal support, promotions and sweepstakes for customers.

Travel company will organize holidays to the resorts of Thailand (Pattaya) about. Tenerife, Dubai, Bulgaria, Montenegro, China (about. Hainan Syaodunhay), Cyprus and Montenegro. Sale of air and railway tickets.

This season we have rest on these resorts:
 - Thailand (Pattaya): Hotel View Talay Holiday, The Palm Grow Resort, Plumeria, Club Royal, Villa Thongburra, Atlantis Condo, At Sea Condominium;
 - Canary Islands, about. Tenerife: Hotel Club Altamira (m. La Caleta), El Beril (Las Americas resort), Callao Garden (m. Callao Salvaje);
 - Dubai: Hotel Pearl Marina Hotel Appartments;
 - Bulgaria: Hotel Pomorie Residence;
 - China, about. Hainan: Hotel Sanya Marriott Hotel Dadonghai Bay; Syaodunhay Resort - Hotel Serenity Coast All Suite;
 - Cyprus: hotels in the city. Paphos Aphrodite Sands, Aliathon Holiday Village;
 - Montenegro: Hotels in. Tivat Apart-Hotel Samardzic, Villa Briv.
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